Robin Meier’s Collective Listening session
ZKM, Centre for Art and Media, Karlsruhe
Robin Meier making field recordings at the CERN Data Centre during his Arts at CERN residency

In a collective listening session at ZKM (Karlsruhe), Robin Meier Wiratunga will guide us through a bag of sounds he collected over 20 years of listening, including work in progress from his research residency at CERN

Circularity is at the heart of how we perceive the world. As a sensory-motor loop it defines perception as an active process – one that brings forth our conscious experience as sentient organisms. And when I say us, I mean insects, birds, computers, plants and probably dunes and mammals, too. A mosquito falls in love with a synthesizer. A sand dune sings with a brass orchestra. A bird dreams of future songs. A flock of pigeons mirrors the brain patterns of a composer. Theoretical physicists speculate on the ultimate fate of the Universe. At the center of each of these entanglements beats a circular loop linking perception with action. Nothing is lost, and nothing is permanent.

The ZKM’s Collective Listening sessions toy with our listening habits and open up the relationship between artists and the audience. The audience space transforms into a stage where we encounter each other in a new way. International and local artists present performances, participatory installations, and fun strategies that move us, the listeners, to center stage.

This Collective Listening Session is a partnership between ZKM and Arts at CERN
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Robin Meier
Arts at CERN
Uncertainty: CERN Art and Science Summit 2025
05.02.25 — 06.02.25
Black Quantum Futurism: CPT Symmetry and Violations
Town Hall Meeting: Collaborative Practices in Art+Science

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