Art commission
Sculpture, Galvanized aluminum, 24 x 12 m
Artistic Residency
Tania Candiani, Supersymmetry, 2022. Installation view, Cómo el trazo, su sonido, MUAC, Mexico City, Mexico, 2022. Photo: Salvador Santana

Supersymmetry is a site-specific sculpture installed at the University Museum of Contemporary Art (MUAC) in Mexico City

In physics, supersymmetry is a proposed extension of the Standard Model of particle physics that predicts a partner particle for each elementary particle. This theory aims to address some of the Standard Model’s unresolved issues, such as the existence of dark matter—the mysterious substance that makes up 85% of the universe’s matter—and to explain the Higgs boson’s mass.

Candiani was inspired by a photographic negative from a cloud chamber experiment, an early particle detector that made subatomic particles visible by revealing their trails. In the water mirror, the aluminum structures evoke the tracks and movements of subatomic particles, reflected on the water’s surface, alluding to the yet-undiscovered ‘superpartners’ of fermions and bosons.

This work was produced thanks to the support to Arts at CERN of the Didier and Martine Primat Foundation and its special fund Odonata.
Tania Candiani, Supersymmetry, 2022. Installation view, Cómo el trazo, su sonido, MUAC, Mexico City, Mexico, 2022. Photo: Salvador Santana
Tania Candiani, Supersymmetry, 2022. Installation view, Cómo el trazo, su sonido, MUAC, Mexico City, Mexico, 2022. Photo: Salvador Santana
Tania Candiani, Supersymmetry, 2022. Installation view, Cómo el trazo, su sonido, MUAC, Mexico City, Mexico, 2022. Photo: Salvador Santana
Tania Candiani, Supersymmetry, 2022. Installation view, Cómo el trazo, su sonido, MUAC, Mexico City, Mexico, 2022. Photo: Salvador Santana
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