- Artist
- Jaione Camborda
- Year
- 2025
- Medium
- Single-channel video installation. Variable dimensions

The reversed screen disrupts its function as a receptive surface, shifting attention to what cannot be seen and inciting a desire to imagine what remains hidden
Ensayo fílmico sobre la sordoceguera presents viewers with a structural impossibility: the projection is inaccessible, its content unknowable. Rather than serving as an obstacle, this limitation generates desire and speculation. What is perceived is not an image but an absence – a trace of something unfolding beyond visual reach.
By negating its conventional role, the screen ceases to be an empty surface and becomes a field of possibilities. In the exhibition space, the absence of a projected image activates new modes of perception. What occurs on the screen remains in a state of indeterminacy – it can only be imagined, never directly observed. This impossibility sustains a continuous tension that shifts the question from content to the experience of the unreachable, from what is projected to what could be.
The projector signals that something is happening, yet it transmits no image. The source of light, instead, asserts itself as a physical presence: its materiality ‘sculpts’ the air and reshapes the architectural space.
Beyond the autonomous object, the installation comes alive through the dynamic interaction of the viewer. As they confront the impossibility of seeing the projection, they are drawn into bodily engagement: suspended between the urge to discover and the impossibility of reaching what they seek. Perception, desire, and the unattainable intertwine, forging an intimate awareness of one’s own position within the work.