Art commission
A Particular Score
Plastic scintillator, electronics, solenoid hammer, aluminum, 12 quartz crystal tubes
Artistic Residency
AATB, A Particular Score, sculpture
AATB, A Particular Score, 2024. Installation view, CERN Community Support Centre, 2024. Photo: Marina Cavazza

The sculpture makes tangible our surrounding cosmic stream through unpredictable tones

Cosmic rays are high-energy particles originating from stars in the Milky Way and beyond. While trillions of cosmic rays hit the Earth daily, the atmosphere blocks the vast majority. The cosmic rays that go through and strike atmospheric particles create showers of secondary particles that reach the planet’s surface. As a result, an invisible flux continuously bathes all of our surroundings.

A Particular Score makes this cosmic stream tangible through real-time sound at the CERN Community Support Centre. When the sculpture detects a particle, it reacts by striking one of the 12 quartz crystal tubes, generating an unpredictable sequence of audible tones. The score thus evolves irregularly and randomly with each impact. It renders perceptibly a glimpse of a phenomenon that surrounds us and yet goes beyond us.

AATB were artists in residence at CERN as part of Connect, the collaborative framework between Arts at CERN and the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia
A Particular Score was originally commissioned by Bienal da Maia, Portugal in 2019, and reworked for the exhibition Cosmos at Grand Hornu, Belgium in 2021. The iteration at the CERN Community Support Centre was created inspired by their residency with Arts at CERN in 2023 and was shown at Mudac, Lausanne (Switzerland) as part of the exhibition Space is the Place in the same year.
AATB, A Particular Score, 2024. Installation view, CERN Community Support Centre, 2024. Photo: Marina Cavazza
AATB, A Particular Score, 2024. Installation view, CERN Community Support Centre, 2024. Photo: Marina Cavazza
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Links (2)
A Particular Score: listen to cosmic rays at the new CERN Community Support Centre
Arts at CERN
AATB (Andrea Anner and Thibault Brevet)
Arts at CERN
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