- City
- Geneva, Switzerland
- Artistic Residency
- Collide
- Year
- 2014

Rudy Decelière is an artist specializing in sound art installations. His work often involves creating immersive sensory experiences interacting with architectural spaces and natural landscapes, by employing subtle technologies, Decelière crafts “trompe-l’oreille” effects that challenge auditory perceptions.
Vincent Hänni is a multi-instrumentalist and composer. He has collaborated with various artists, including Polar (Eric Linder), The Young Gods, Gabriel Scotti, Adrien Kessler, and Jacques Demierre.
Rudy Decelière and Vincent Hänni were in residence at CERN in 2014, supported by the City of Geneva and the Republic and Canton of Geneva. They collaborated with experimentalist physicist Robert Kieffer and theorist physicist Diego Blas.