Alfonso Borragán
Santander, Spain
Guest artist
Alfonso Borragán

Alfonso Borragán is a Spanish multidisciplinary artist

He studied for his BA at the Fine Arts Faculty, Barcelona and holds an MFA from the Slade School of Fine Arts, London. His work can be interpreted as the development and tracking of an irreproducible experience. He claims images that don’t exist, latent graphias that are instants of an experience that cannot be completely revealed.

His last projects have been exhibited at MUSAC, León (No man’s Land: Mneme); La Casa Encendida, Madrid (Sidelito); the Old Born Market, Barcelona (litofagos: ærolito) at Gilberto Alzate Foundation, Bogotá (Fosfofagia 04); Cervantes Institute, New York (Documentation of 19 days living in a cave); or Khoj, India (Fosfofagia 03).

In 2016, Borragán visited CERN with Antoni Muntadas as part of the Guest Artist programme. The two artists met with several scientists, including physicist and expert in antimatter Michael Dosser and theoretical physicist Luis Alvarez-Gaumé. They also visited the LHCb and AMS-02 experiments.

Antoni Muntadas
Marina Rosenfeld. Photo: Veronique Kolber
Marina Rosenfeld
Yuri Pattison
Abelardo Gil-Fournier

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