STARTS Urban Fest
29-30 June
How do we imagine the city of the future? On 29-30 June, the STARTS Urban Fest will explore the ways in which collaborations between science, technology and the arts are leading towards a more sustainable urban future.
Bringing together lead experts from policymaking, urbanism, design, social innovation, arts and science, the programme of talks and debates is structured around three main themes: Green Digital Cities, Onlife Communities, Human/Post Human.
On 29 June at 12:15pm, the panel discussion Post Pandemic Cities: Arts, science and participatory creativity in the city will explore the new alliances that are needed between technology, science, artistic practices, cultural institutions, and the industry to overcome the challenges of digitalization and the green transition. The methods grounded in co-creation and artistic practice are ideal for producing innovations that, while disruptive and radical, also foster positive, pluralistic, and inclusive change. In this session, you will hear examples from three pioneering projects at the boundaries of arts and science, mass participation, co-production and city imaging and look at common themes and issues.
Speakers include Mónica Bello, Curator and Head of Arts at CERN, Sir Geoff Mulgan CBE, Professor of University College London and Former CEO of Nesta, Tomás Díez, Director and Founder of Fab City Initiative, and Luca Ballarini, Founder and Creative Director of Torino Stratosferica.
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